The mission of Pass It Forward is to create Green California Communities, and provide Green Job opportunities through the use of Industrial Hemp. Together, with the support of our Corporate Partners, we create a greener California.
Local Partnership
If you are interested in working with Pass it Forward in a single market a small donated product offering such as less than one truckload, please contact us to discuss partnership details.
A local partnership with Pass it Forward can give your organization a way to enunciate your social responsibility strategy clearly and concisely – helping build a world where everyone has a healthy environment. Create a meaningful relationship with the impact, history and brand value of Pass It Forward and make yourself stand out with your consumers, vendors, employees, peers or business partners.
Local Partnership
If you are interested in working with Pass it Forward in a single market a small donated product offering such as less than one truckload, please contact us to discuss partnership details.
A local partnership with Pass it Forward can give your organization a way to enunciate your social responsibility strategy clearly and concisely – helping build a world where everyone has a healthy environment. Create a meaningful relationship with the impact, history and brand value of Pass It Forward and make yourself stand out with your consumers, vendors, employees, peers or business partners.
State, local or multi-market Partnership
Pass It Forward provides an excellent way to promote your corporate social responsibility goals throughout California while making a lasting impact. Create a unique partnership across your footprint through opportunities such as:
Read our FAQ to learn more about Corporate Partnership benefits.
Frequently Asked QuestonsI’d like to donate items — such as household goods, furniture, building supplies, etc. — to Pass It Forward. How do I do that?
Thank you for your kind donation. If you have a very large donation — e.g. truckloads or smaller amounts of household goods, furniture, new building supplies, etc., please connect with us via [email protected] and our team will be glad to help you coordinate that donation. How can I volunteer with my company?
Please email us at [email protected] to find the contact information for your local Pass It Forward. They will discuss local volunteer opportunities with you and any corresponding sponsorship requirements. What is the minimum donation for a corporate partnership with Pass It Forward?
Can I donate my company’s product(s) to enter into a Corporate Partnership?
Yes – please reach out directly to [email protected] to explore. Please include details on the following:
Can I donate product and set up volunteer team builds for my employees?
A cash contribution is required to cover the cost of coordinating the team build day at the local level. Do businesses also donate products or contribute financially when they volunteer?
Yes, there are hard costs involved with providing your team with the opportunity to volunteer, including the cost of hemp shiv, building supplies, safety equipment, and operational costs. The volunteer experience represents value to our partners that want to showcase it as part of their broader corporate social responsibility strategy. Internally, there is morale building and improved retention for employees. Externally, partnership provides brand benefits through association with our well-recognized and trusted brand while using photos, stories and impact features from the build site to tell a compelling story about your support for Pass It Forward. We very much appreciate our partners who truly collaborate on our mission for a greener California. |